Blankets: Story Time! “Guess How Much I Love You”
Here is a story you could read to your little one in the den you may have created together. This story celebrates unmeasurable love, maybe between you and your child or your child and their teddy..
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Blankets: Blanket Adventure
Here’s a little game inspired by EasyPeasy, using a blanket as a magic carpet. For the really young ones, swooshing around on a blanket is a lot of physical fun, there’s not even any need to add in the make believe element!
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Blankets: Making a Blanket Den … at speed!
Have you ever seen a blanket den made at such speed? Simona was so excited about making hers that she did it in under 30 secs!
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Blankets: Song Time! “Five Little Teddies Jumping On The Bed”
Using a blanket as a prop for song time! This one is Five Little Teddies (and the occasional monkey!) Jumping on a Bed. You could also do Five Little Ducks Go Swimming One Day…
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Blankets: Wrapping Toys with Blankets
Toddlers and babies will LOVE wrapping and unwrapping objects like this. Like our Ian, you can chat away to your little one while they explore, so that they’re hearing your lovely voice and learning language all the while they are playing!
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