Laundry Basket Threading

If you have any ribbons, shoelaces or pieces of fabric and a laundry basket like ours, practice those fine motor skills, create patterns and make your basket look really cute!

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Sticks: Banging Sticks

Let’s make some noise with Jess and her cute kittens! Let’s bang our sticks to different objects and see what sound they make! You could also take out your pots and pans and do some drumming!

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Nature Play: Nature Weaving

Have you tried nature weaving? If you collect some sticks, leaves, some little cherries (if you find some), follow Ian’s instructions and see what you can come up with!

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Milk Bottle Posting and Pulling Toy

Make a DIY posting and pulling toy from an empty milk bottle for your baby! Just cut some holes in an empty milk bottle, big enough for your little one’s hand to fit through, and let them drop in bottle tops for a bit of posting fun, or fill it up with scarves, socks, or […]

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Water Play with Empty Milk Bottles

Empty milk cartons make great containers for scooping and pouring if you cut them on an angle like this! Use them to scoop and pour with water, or lentils, or sand, or whatever else your little one likes to explore!

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Cardboard Tubes: Threading

How about making your own very large and easy to handle beads, which you can decorate with scrap paper, from cardboard tubes and toilet roll! Simona is also using a string/shoelace to make herself a lovely necklace. This is great fine motor skills practice, so give it a go!

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