String Art

What a simple yet very inspiring idea, which helps build up those fine motor skills and learn about shapes and sizes, .. also making some really nice works of art!

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Nature Play: Printmaking

Let’s make some nature prints! We were inspired by a few friends to make art from nature! Grab some leaves, some paint, a pant roller or a sponge and give it a go!

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Nature Play: Mud Kitchen

Have a go at making a mud kitchen at home! All you need is some pots and pans and some old kitchen utensils, plus a few natural “ingredients” like leaves, twigs and a little soil.

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Sticks: Painting with Sticks

Would you like to paint a lovely “mess” using handmade stick brushes? Grab some sticks from your nature walk, add leaves, sponges, foil or anything that could make an interesting shape on your canvas of choice and start painting!

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Sticks: Collecting Sticks

If you go on a nature walk, collecting sticks can be a great way to observe the world around us. Our colleague also has a few tips on how to safely carry your lovely sticks home!

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Sticks: Banging Sticks

Let’s make some noise with Jess and her cute kittens! Let’s bang our sticks to different objects and see what sound they make! You could also take out your pots and pans and do some drumming!

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