Cardboard Tubes: Matching Game
Save your bottle tops and cardboard tubes! Soon enough you’ll be able to try out this great homemade matching game. Follow’s Simona’s instructions and have fun!
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Save your bottle tops and cardboard tubes! Soon enough you’ll be able to try out this great homemade matching game. Follow’s Simona’s instructions and have fun!
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Our body language is just as or even more important than our words. Here’s a game you can play with your toddler – it enables you to have a more complex conversation about feelings.
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Apart from stimulating their imagination, reading with your child helps them learn about their emotions, how they feel, and create a vocabulary that aids expressing these emotions. Grab your books and get cosy!
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Snack time is a great time to have a chat.. about feelings! Try some eggspresions! 😲 How are you feeling today?
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Here’s a simple way to offer your toddler a language-rich experience. Practice sounds and understand the names of objects by adding, removing, and finding them in your laundry basket (or a carboard box, if it’s more accessible).
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Toddlers love transporting things. To support the trasnportation schema, why not put Teddy in the laundry basket/cardboard box and take him for a ride around the house?
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Simona can show you how to turn your laundry basket into an amazing little ship! We also have a perfect song for you to sing while happily rowing your boat (maybe use wooden spoons as paddles)!
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Here’s a challenge for you! Would you like to be a tortoise like Ian? Use a laundry basket as your shell and crawl very sloooowly!
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If you go out on a neture walk, make sure to grab some “ingredients” for dinner, as your teddy might be hungry! Our colleague is making a soup for her avocado, Christine!
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