Cardboard Tubes: Threading

How about making your own very large and easy to handle beads, which you can decorate with scrap paper, from cardboard tubes and toilet roll! Simona is also using a string/shoelace to make herself a lovely necklace. This is great fine motor skills practice, so give it a go!

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Cardboard Tubes: Chickpea Run

Here’s one of our dear Playbus friends trying out the cardboard tube run! Some dried pasta and chickpeas, cardboard tubes/toilet rolls, and maybe a spoon can turn into a really fun activity for your toddler!

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Cardboard Tubes: Racing Games!

Here’s another way to make use of your cardboard tubes! Make yourselves an obstacle course and run some races! You could either run, crawl, or go side to side – maybe see who can move the apple first!

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Pots and Pans: Pouring and Mixing with Lentils

Here’s something your toddler might enjoy: scooping, pouring and mixing lentils! Your toddler will become aware of different sounds, will move things around, simply use day-to-day objects and have great conversations around what they are doing!

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Pots and Pans Puzzle

Trace around some pots and pans or any other objects you can find in the house to make a puzzle that’ll be exciting for your little one because it uses real objects!

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Musical Pots

You don’t need musical instruments to make music! Grab some things from the kitchen and try out this song with Jess 🙂

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