Pots and Pans: Music Line

How about using things from the kitchen to make a musical line and explore sound and music with your little ones! This is definitely a very loud display, but it attracts a lot of attention!

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Nature Play: Mud Kitchen

Have a go at making a mud kitchen at home! All you need is some pots and pans and some old kitchen utensils, plus a few natural “ingredients” like leaves, twigs and a little soil.

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Sticks: Banging Sticks

Let’s make some noise with Jess and her cute kittens! Let’s bang our sticks to different objects and see what sound they make! You could also take out your pots and pans and do some drumming!

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Pots and Pans: Pouring and Mixing with Lentils

Here’s something your toddler might enjoy: scooping, pouring and mixing lentils! Your toddler will become aware of different sounds, will move things around, simply use day-to-day objects and have great conversations around what they are doing!

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